Thursday, 7 July 2016

beacuse, we understand Spirit a little better!

For me, it seems like life is an assortment of different kind of Tequila shots. A few shots that you like, A few that you don't, A few that you fall in love with and a few others that you will hate.

The one's that you hate, blame it on the after effects. Be it throwing up, the crazy hang overs or texting that one ex who is worse of them all.

This bad shot is that which intrigues me. Unlike other shots, you don't simply take it. You take it and look around to see what your best friend, your neighbour or some random person on social media is being served.

Blame illusion or facts, they are all always on the good one. And you heart breaks a little more against your will of wanting to be "happy for them"

But what we all must know is, we are all served the same variety in same numbers. Just that the sequence changes.

But we are helpless humans who continue to be ourselves. We will continue to look around.

But that's absolutely okay as far as you have that one person to give you a tight hug while you wait for your good shot to be served.

Also, you must not forget to go out and give a tight hug while you have your good shot going down.

After all, we all understand Liquor a little better. oh I mean, Spirit!


  1. Woah... It's really nice!! Real good job... :-)Only the sequence changes..

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
