Friday, 17 August 2012

Explanintion for "WOMEN!"

This post is for those who dint follow the complete meaning of my poem "WOMEN", because i find it important to convey the right meaning to all of you interested.

Every birth is equal to a new life but the only factor that differentiates a boy baby form a girl baby is the physical features, so i mean to question the importance given. Is it for that life or for those features?
The other common difference between a man and a women is, a women has intense feelings or emotions and a man has a lot of physical strength. so i mean to question the importance given. Is it for the feelings or the strength?
When a man takes birth, he gives a lot of pain to his mother(woman) as delivering a child is quite painful and the mother, is strong and takes the pain. so i mean to question the importance given. Is it for the pain taken or pain given?
When a girl is getting married, she sacrifices everything, her parents,her house etc and goes to her husbands place. On such a sacrifice, the respect she gets is the ego of her husband who thinks "she is come to my house", so i mean to question the importance given. Is it for the ego or the sacrifice?
On top of such wonderful things done by her, he doesn't realize that he comes to this earth because of her (A mother), and he will still get back into her when he he dies (Mother earth) (Both are women again!)
Inspite of every other thing done by her, he still tries to dominate her.
But a woman takes all of it very patiently but there is a limit for that patience and also for the hidden strength.
She has so much strength that she even keeps quite when he says she is weaken than a man.
But there will be a day when that patience dies and all the frustration comes out,
that day, a man will realize a true value of a woman and the present meaning of the man is gone forever!

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